New Ad to “Banish the Darkness” with Our Dreidel Tee Shirt for Chanukah

Have you seen our new ad on social media for Chanukah tees and hoodies?The music we used is in this ad is a gritty metal-influenced version of the Chanukah song “Banu Chosech.” Chanukah is the holiday of light, and the lyrics translated to:

We came to banish the darkness
In our hands we hold fire and light
Each of us is a small light
But together we are tremendously bright
Flee darkness! Back off darkness!
Flee in the face of the Light!

We’re spotlighting here our dreidel tee shirt that spoofs the IDF with a “Dreidel Brigade” logo. our classic “Keep Calm and Eat Latkes,Chanukah hero names, and Game of Dreidels.

Dreidel Brigade Tee for Chanukah


Available at our TeePublic shop, or on Amazon!
Dreidel Brigade Standard Tee
Dreidel Brigade Long-Sleeved Tee

More Hanukkah & Jewish Tees